
Brief: Experiment with Stop-motion

Theme: Toys

Adam Hawker; Chris Burke

Luke Rodgers; Simon Price

12 Hours to produce this animation. A first draft which I wasn't a part of discovered many problems, most of all that 'everything happened at once'. You will notice the animation has a clear change in days as lighting and camera had to be returned each time we took them out. The second day of recording was just Luke Rodgers and Simon Price. I actually found it much easier working in a pair than a group for this assignment because there's less conflict etc.

  • What Is Creativity?
  • The Roots of Our Culture
  • Power to the Creatives
  • A Peer Culture
  • Technology + Art = Magic
  • Staying on the Rails

Harvard Business Review - How Pixar fosters collective creativity

This PDF covers all of the above and helps clarify much of the puzzling that clung onto this assignment. If just one of those bullet points interests you, click the link and have a read.

The plot may not make much sense as it was just experimentation but essentially it's a lovely story of a shepard guarding his chicks. Various animals steal the chicks until eventually the shepard goes mad and well... yeah.

Next up is our attempt at making armatures!

Hope you enjoyed, please leave a comment and click Follow on the right. Thanks.


Brief: 10 Second Cut-Out Animation
Theme: Man Vs Bird

Script & Drawings: Jamie Nielson
Colour & Animation: Luke Rodgers
Pigeon Sounds: Tim Curtis

We had just 2 weeks to produce this animation although it only took us one thanks to Jamie's 'creative' mind and my lack of anything else to do.

Hope you like it. I would greatly appreciate ANY comments, positive or negative - keep it constructive.
Please rate the video (top left) as this helps me get more views. Let me know if you want more!

My beautiful girlfriend Rosie Quain;
click image for full view

Drawn using Pen Tool on Photoshop CS4 and a Mighty Mouse. Comment if you want more.
Tom Gould, a well known Guardian comic strip artist has baffled me with his quirky animations for The Heart Truth adverts. Click the image to view his animations. I've instantly been inspired to create some illustrative/doodly short animations because these are just brilliant! I collect limited edition bottles so I've grabbed myself a couple of these beautiful cans. I suppose I should take some photos of my favourite bottles, maybe I'm just sad... Leave a comment =]

McFaul's latest addition to their immaculate portfolio is a 'mural of epic proportion' in the centre of Glasgow to celebrate the beginning of the chinese year (the year of the tiger).

I've been a huge fan of McFaul Studio since I saw the painting below which they've designed for BBH NY in a jam-packed couple of days. Their illustrations have a serious WOW factor and it seems each piece despite such diversity will be consistently mind-blowing. You'll have to see for your self then carry on reading: You must click this image:

...I trust by now you're thoroughly impressed by their work. It is illustrators like these that give me hope in traditional design. I study Animation so I feel almost pressured into a 3D world where if it's not moving then you're not doing your job however there's something infinitely satisfying to just sit down and draw once in a while and not have to worry about a final product taking months.

I think what makes McFaul so special to me is that they have an incredible ability to capture a universe of movement, excitement and propulsion from a drawing. I tell you, these guys would make one heck of a body tattoo!


I'm sure most of you will have heard the song Starry Eyed unless you've boycotted Radio, TV, Itunes, Ipods or simply live in a cardboard box you'll know there has been no way to escape her debut album.

Ellie Goulding - Lights

Since Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More I have been anxiously waiting for a corking album I can put on repeat and badly sing along to and Ellie Goulding has more than excelled my expectations. She has so so much more to offer than just Starry Eyed as you will instantly find on her album Lights with [Track 1] Guns and Horses which instantly grabbed my attention with her exquisitely unique vocals and genuine catchiness. To anyone seeking the freshest pop music, a new car album or an original easy-listening experience I recommend you invest the £7.99 and enjoy!
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I stumbled across this web-site whilst trying to find a hair-style for myself.
An inspirational collection of fashion + photography - well worth a look. collective fashion consciousness.

After just a couple of minutes you will be sure to find a style you think you could pull off and the beauty of look book is that each model has his/her own profile where you can check out their other styles and even see where they bought their clothes from!